Integrating an application with Firefox extensions provides a security guarantee to users because each Firefox extension is controlled with strict criteria. The file that gives the first information is called manifest.json
It is composed of :
His identity with a name :
"id": "",
What is the purpose of the application, here read audio files dna which is a mutidirectional language (it balances the different dimensions to the different laws) :
"description": "Play audio file dna",
his name
"name": "Lecjo",
Useful permissions, here to store the generated audio files
"permissions": ["storage"],
The useful files are indicated :
"content_scripts": [
"matches": [""],
"js": ["adaptateur.js", "table.js", "constructeur.js", "background.js" ]
We put a logo in the taskbar to know when the Add-on is installed
], "browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icons/lecjo-32.png"