Integrating an application with Firefox extensions provides a security guarantee to users because each Firefox extension is controlled with strict criteria. The file that gives the first information is called manifest.json
It is composed of :
We indicate that it is a Firefox extension compatible with the latest versions:
{ "applications": { "gecko": { "id": "", "strict_min_version": "45.0" } },
We indicate the file where the action to be performed by the extension :
"background": { "scripts": ["page-scripts/background.js"] },
We indicate that we want to display an icon in the browser's taskbar :
"browser_action": { "default_icon": "icons/lecjoa-32.png" },
We describe the purpose of the application :
"description": "Play audio file jo. Play audio file joa. Play audio file joh. Generates video multidirectional, play adn audio format, play PianoBaul",
We indicate the homepage of the extension :
"homepage_url": "",
We indicate the version of the writing rules and the name of the extension :
"manifest_version": 2, "name": "Lecjoa",
We indicate the internal home page, as well as the permissions :
"options_ui": { "page": "lecjo.html" }, "permissions": ["storage"],
We indicate the version number of the extension lecjoa :
"version": "" }