A sense among the essence.
André pierre jocelyn for LAC2017
LAC: Your submission could not be accepted for the conference "Linux Audio Conference 2017". What remains of the free when the discoverers can no longer express themselves in this place?
The year, at the françade, we wander, we struggle,
The poor in the sewers, the rich in phenomena;
I lay down under the oak, light in any place
According to speeds and winds, offer all the colors of God.
Every Montpellier who fights, only surrenders me,
As if God became stingy in spirit with time.
When the mind begins to arrange the words,
It is because they have no longer any reason to exist;
I shout, I push, I jump, I dig, I give my oh,
But the desert does not return an echo, to the shed blood.
Lecjoa are you there? Lecjoa who are you? Lecjoa what are you doing?
Lecjoa makes the caterpillar a butterfly, a moult.
Finally, I hope. It does not matter that the dimensions,
Created the colors, No matter the dimensions, created the sounds.
The understanding is done with language,
What matters to me is not to remain alone on this journey.
In the beginning there was the woman.
Area of Definition and Boundary Study
The archivist finds many definitions to describe the understanding,
But as the one that pleases, is the one we create, I will keep mine.
The understanding is a variation of information, through a language, through our past experiences.
We find in this sentence, the construction of all that follows.
A proposal can adapt to the understanding by associating 4 bricks.
A brick for the color, a brick for the sound, a brick for the different techniques of displacement, a brick for the universes.
The number of basic factors varies according to the number of universes, for 2 universes, nine factors suffice.
Physiological capabilities depend on many factors, from genetics to lifestyle.
The understanding according to how it is prepared will be able to recognize some type of sound coding or a certain type of perception of form. It is a knowledge that can only be transmitted from man to man after years of learning, which is why some sounds and objects are often heard or seen only by prepared people.
As in the introductory proposal, the whole gives the idea. Perception does not exist for itself, it exists through other perceptions, and through the filters of our understanding and our physiology. The same word can have several meanings, the same acoustic form can have several sounds, the same observation can be perceived in several ways, the same cause can have several effects. Several words may have the same meaning, the same sound may be produced from a multitude of ways, different observations may be perceived identical, several causes may have the same effect.
To deploy the four bricks, through different dimensions to different laws, we create different factors that will direct the forms of variations transmitting at best an understanding.
From Lecjo to Lecjoa
I code as I say
The code has machine constraints, the code has fixed conventions, but the code does not exist by itself or for itself. The code exists for the effects it produces, depending on the resources it asks us in exchange. Man describes the world around him by modeling, the animal imitates. To express this is not to align a series of information, it is to structure rhythms, colors and sounds to ultimately convey an understanding.
Boundary study
- Lecjoa is a creative tool. Lecjoa generates a multidirectional interactive video which allows to express a proposition having several advantages compared to the other techniques. The proposal is always perceived as quickly as possible, whatever the level of understanding of the receiver. The proposal has no trace formatting as implied by all other techniques. Lecjoa uses computer support and is therefore subject to the writing conventions of HTML pages. For better viewing, the code of the generated video is included in the HTML page that generates the code.
- Lecjoa is very easy to use, but approaching Lecjoa without preparations is very difficult. This is why three very basic basic applications on acoustics accompany Lecjoa. It is three applications that allow you to start associating ideas in a multidirectional way and to imagine the more complex associations needed in Lecjoa, it's a bit like learning how to ride a bike before going to drive with cars.
- Today's technology means that a color is represented on the screen using three values. It is an imposed language to communicate with machines. From this brick of three value, we will manipulate it through several dimensions, so that it takes the form that we desire. In order to reduce the resources, we shall give a name to each form which is repeated, so as not to describe the same form several times. In the case of an almost identical form, we can also use the name of the form without describing it, just by adding a correction coefficient to modify the shape. We realize this color brick that associated creates shapes in the css area.
- In conventions of writing HTML pages, we can show or hide a name built on several characteristics. Lecjoa associates this function with a time base manipulable by the receiver, in order to generate an image sequence (a video) in a predefined order that can be modified by the receiver. Lecjoa creates this with links between css and javascript.
- Still in the conventions of writing HTML pages, we can place marks. Lecjoa uses these markers to indicate where the images are placed, and then allows the user to generate markers to place his shapes drawing the images.
- The sound in Lecjoa is attached to the images, this allows to obtain a perfect synchronization and according to specific cases specific to this technique. Several sounds can accompany the same image, as we can generate a picture without sound.
- Lecjoa is above all a multidirectional video generator even if the application has the same name as the sound generator which allows it to generate the sounds. What gives the name is the multidirectional principle, the cause and not the effect, the fact that we generate audio or video. Naturally Lecjoa uses the audio format abadie.joa, which we manage to understand using the applications accompanying Lecjoa video
- Today's conventions make it possible to write values in an HTML page. Lecjoa uses this feature so that the user can express these multidirectional ideas in Lecjoa
By taking the various elements above, our video generator is composed of a generating part, a generated css part, a generated javascript part and a generated HTML part. The recovery of these three parts generates a multidirectional video
Multidirectional openings by the example explained
Whoever what or
The files
This file is the html home page in the Lecjoa extension. It consists of selectors to draw and compose the soundtrack.
This file allows to give all the possible solutions to the operations
Mathematics in order to correct the technology.
This file is used to create the header of the audio file.
-jom .js:
This file allows you to build the content of the audio file compatible with
Current standards
This file is the generated HTML page
This file is the generated javascript page.
The generated structure
In preparation, we create a directory containing the files:
Tab.js, adapt.js and jom.js which are recovered by copying / pasting in the extension Lecjoa. To retrieve the document, we click on the Firefox taskbar, on (Edit-- → Select All), and then with our text editor, we paste in the directory to the name of the file created.
In the Lecjoa extension, we open the generator page, generate our interactive video, and then click on the (Edit-- → Select All) toolbar, which we copy into a file named Index.html.
With the text editor, in index.html we remove all the terms above , so up to and including the included multidirectional video.
Then we cut / paste all terms below the terms (body html). Always with the text editor we create a file in the directory named example.js. In this file we paste, cut text into index.html.
In example.js we delete (the javascript to copy / paste the file example.js), the first terms at the beginning of the file.
Some retouching of youth
The time to adjust the codes, some rules are necessary.
-1 All selectors must contain a validated value with the drop-down arrow.
-2 A click is required on the (speed) button to indicate the first scrolling speed.
-3 You must tell the audio generator how many audio files are generated. This action is done with the text editor in jom.js
Enabling audio in jom.js
The generator in the presented form, can generate 16 audio files. The jom.js file is set to activate the first 8 audio files. If we generate an audio file in a non-active place it will not be played. Multiple audio files can be played in the same image, as the same audio file can be played in different images.
Activating an audio file location is done by de-commenting the location line.
Deactivating an audio file is done by commenting on the line of the location.
For example: audio.appendChild (source); Said that the first site plays the sound. If a line is not commented while there is no audio file generated, then the generated video will fail.
Another example: //audio10.appendChild (source10); The eleventh audio file is commented with //
Commenting a location is like placing // in front of the line containing appendChild
Construction of the soundtrack
The audio format used is abadie.jo, and is converted to abadie.joa by the video generator.
Since 2010, the year I created the format abadie.jo, I have placed many libraries and examples to download. It is even possible to create its own sounds in abadie.jo
First part, once the sounds downloaded, we indicate where they are with the location beneath (get sound).
Second part, we indicate the location with (Select sound) and then we attach the sound to an image by clicking on the button containing the location of the image, the 1 is for the first image. If I want the same sound on picture 2, 4 and 5, I click button 2, then button 4 then button 5.
Realization of our first video
Scenario, universe1 an oval shape turns clockwise, universe 2 a different shape rotates in the opposite direction. A sound is played at each beginning of the cycle.
We create a directory in which we put our files tab.js, -adapt.js, jom.js:
Construction of the image
The construction of the image is done in css. A form in css is two basic values, then using corrective coefficients we manipulate it to generate all possible forms. I have created many tutorial like ( https://www.letime.net/alpha/banque/dessin.html ) containing forms and characters that demonstrates it. The two basic values are called width and height, to create an oval shape, we give a greater value to width, ie 200, validated by the small selection arrow. We give 100 to height that we validate. For the color, we click on the color button, we click on the pipette, the cursor takes a shape of pipette, we click on the color, then we click on the select button.
As it stands, we draw a rectangle, we will work the angles. To round, it is sufficient to place eight identical values like 50 in the case of the example.
For the first position we put 380 in rotate, 99 in opacity, and 1 in position.
We set 200 to speed and we immediately click on the speed button to validate so as not to forget (without this clique, the video can not work). We set the left margin to 100 and the margin to 50.
To generate our first image, we click button 1.
If everything goes well, it appears:
Div class = "tourne380" style = "position: static; margin-left: 100px; ...
Under the terms,
Div id = "flower16" class = "cachemoi"
For the other images, just change only the value of rotate, no longer having to click on the speed button
Sound Construction
The sound is only used once, so that the video can work, you must comment to disable the 7 extra active sounds in jom.js
Creating index.html and example.js
In firefox, click (Edit), from the drop-down menu (Select All), then (Edit) from the drop-down menu (copy).
With your text editor create a file named index.html in your directory, and paste it all into index.html. Then make the sort of what remains and what goes into example.js
One click on index.html, launches your video in firefox